
Data, Commercial & Technology

Our global Data, Commercial & Technology team provides expert legal advice on the laws of the BVI, the Cayman Islands and Ireland to businesses across a wide range of sectors, including financial services, investment management, technology and consumer.

We are specialists in General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance and investigations, emerging technologies and complex sourcing projects.  Our team has a real depth and breadth of knowledge and experience of the technology, Intellectual Property (IP) and data aspects of joint ventures and mergers and acquisitions. 

We help our clients manage and anticipate issues such as GDPR compliance, data transfers, data protection complaints and investigations and data breach management across all sectors including, in particular, financial services and technology.  

We also support our clients on a wide range of commercial contracts including IT contracts and major outsourcings in the financial services sector, IP transfers and licensing, software development, distribution and R&D agreements.
