Welcome to our dedicated SFVegas page. Scroll down to find the contact details for each of our SFVegas 2024 attendees. Bookmark this page and refer to it as a useful library of information you may need when deciding on your structuring objectives.
In the structured finance industry, a company’s choice of service provider is an important factor in the successful development and delivery of their structuring objectives and the ongoing success of a transaction.
The Maples Group delivers a full complement of services on structured finance transactions via global teams of experts who work closely to provide a seamless and comprehensive range of legal, listing, fiduciary, corporate formation and administration services. We combine this expertise across our global network of offices to offer multi-jurisdictional solutions for a wide variety of structured finance products and are uniquely placed to deliver a global view of the world’s leading structured finance jurisdictions and to provide clear, insightful advice and tailored service.
We provide services in the leading domiciles where entities are established to undertake structured finance transactions. Our unique approach is a central feature for arrangers and lead transaction counsel who are seeking integrated structured finance solutions.
At the Maples Group, we understand that working with clients, advisers, financial institutions and regulatory authorities can be a complex process. We make it our priority to ensure that our clients not only receive experienced advice but do so in a timely manner.
We advise on a full array of traditional and bespoke transaction structures, including:
The following articles and materials provide more information on our structured finance services.