Industry Updates

The Regulatory 15/15: October 2020

The Regulatory 15 / 15 is a monthly regulatory webcast released on the 15th day of each month and lasts for 15 minutes.  In this webcast, Christopher Capewell, head of our Regulatory team, will be joined by fellow partner Tim Dawson.

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This month’s Regulatory 15 / 15 webcast will cover the following topics:

  • Amendments to SIBL, Companies Law and LLC law
  • Economic Substance Update
  • Regulatory Policy for Exemption from Valuation Requirement for Private Funds
  • Regulatory Policy for Licensing Insurance Brokers, Agents and Agencies
  • Monthly New Product (MNP) – Regulatory Calendar

To listen, click the below and fill out a short registration form.  Please note that this webcast is available worldwide and On Demand.

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