Industry Updates

France – AMF Reporting on Non-Financial Criteria

The Autorité des marchés financiers (“AMF”) has launched a new ROSA platform.  While the ROSA platform is currently only open to managers who manage French funds, we understand that access will be extended to all non-French managers in due course.

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Historically, non-French managers of non-French UCITS authorised for marketing in France were required to file a form for the marketing in France of a Foreign UCITS or UCITS sub-fund that wishes to make non-financial criteria a key aspect of communication (Annex XX to AMF Position 2011-19) with the AMF (the “ESG Notification Form”).

A New ROSA Platform

In March 2024 the AMF launched a new ROSA platform for the filing of this information, which replaced the ESG Notification Form. However, the ROSA platform is currently only open to French managers and non-French managers who manage French funds.

For non-French managers of non-French UCITS who do not have access to the ROSA platform, the AMF now requires those managers to submit an Excel matrix to the AMF by email. A copy of the excel will be sent by the AMF directly to the contact provided on the UCITS notification letter.

We understand that the AMF plans to extend access to the ROSA system to all non-French managers in due course. However, the timeline for the expansion of access is unclear at this stage.

Further Information

If you would like further information, please liaise with your usual Maples Group contact or any of the persons listed on this page.

France – AMF Reporting on Non-Financial Criteria